Private Health Insurance for Expats

Germany's leading expertise

Our team of experts in the field of private health insurance has been providing advice for 30 years and consistently finds the best solutions.

Long-term professional support

We provide you with neutral advice and are also there for you after a switch

Independent and professional advice

We provide independent advice and have exclusive background knowledge. Our advice is based on an anonymous risk analysis with all relevant companies and an objective analysis of your individual situation.

Special expat tariffs

New in Germany? In certain situations you can take advantage of special expat rates. Exceptionally affordable and flexible.

Save money and improve care at the same time

Private health insurance offers the opportunity to save on premiums while enjoying significantly better benefits.

Germany's leading expertise

Our team of experts in the field of private health insurance has been providing advice for 30 years and consistently finds the best solutions.

Long-term professional support

We provide you with neutral advice and are also there for you after a switch

Independent and professional advice

We provide independent advice and have exclusive background knowledge. Our advice is based on an anonymous risk analysis with all relevant companies and an objective analysis of your individual situation.

Special expat tariffs

New in Germany? In certain situations you can take advantage of special expat rates. Exceptionally affordable and flexible.

Save money and improve care at the same time

Private health insurance offers the opportunity to save on premiums while enjoying significantly better benefits.

Consultations per Year

Recommended by “I am Expat”

more than 25

Connected Experts

over 25 years

Experience in Health Insurance

Calculation Example


30 years old

Yearly Gross Income: 70.000 €

Calculation Example


30 years old

Yearly Gross Income: 70.000 €

Book a free intro call

Let’s find out together whether and how private health insurance is worthwhile for you. In 10 minutes you’ll have an initial overview and clarity about which benefits you can improve and how much you can save. This can be up to 5.000 € per year.

FAQ: Private Heath Insurance

It is possible to switch back to public?

You should always make a conscious decision in favor of a system. However, it is possible to switch under certain conditions. If you fall below the income threshold (2024: 69.300 €), you even need to switch back.

It is possible to change the tariff within the company and adapt it to your life. If you have two small children, you can reduce your cover and pay less. 

There are also numerous other ways to change your private health insurance: e.g. deductibles, modular principle, etc.

The statutory and private systems are totally different. While the contributions of the statutory system are based on income, the private system calculates the contribution based on age and health status at the time of taking out the policy.

Yes, private health insurance offers this option, unlike statutory health insurance.
If you are not entitled to benefits, you can get up to 6 premiums back. 
Private health insurance premiums (annual average: 2.6%) are rising due to inflation. This also applies to statutory health insurance (annual average: 3.2%). 
Private health insurance offers various options for reducing and stabilizing premiums in old age. 
These modules are tax-incentivized and involve the employer.

Questions? Answers!

The decision between private and statutory health insurance must be well-founded.

We help to answer all your questions:
  • Does it makes sense for me to switch?
  • When and how can I switch in the future?
  • How will my contribution change in the future?
  • What happens if I have children?
  • What happens if I move abroad?
  • What benefits can I insure?

Our Partners

... and many more

Our Partners

... and many more

Interested in our services?

We want to know your specific needs so we can provide the perfect solution. Book a free call and let us know what you need, we’ll do our best to help.